Typical Cell


       The small structures within the cell to perform different functions are known as organelles. The types of organelles and the number of them differ according to the function performed by the cell.

       The cell prepared by including all the organelles is known as the typical cell. In the real world such cells are not exist. But cells with a certain number of organelles of typical cell can be found living organisms.

       All animal cells are covered by a plasma membrane or a cell membrane. It is a live semi permeable membrane as well as selective permeable membrane. There is a centralized nucleus in an animal cell. The cytoplasm is a gelatinous material.

       The outer covering of the plant cell is the cell wall. It is made up of cellulose. Inner to the cell wall is the plasma membrane. At the center of a plant cell is a large vacuole. Generally there are no such vacuoles in animal cells.

       Animal cells are well as plant cells possess different organelles that perform different functions.

       Most of the above organelles cannot be observed through the light microscope. Therefore the electron microscope should be used.

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